Tricycle, reclaimed metal, reclaimed sound system. 2024ANTIPHONOS is a transitory machine, that navigates diverse territories while disseminating sound.

The structure approaches sound propagation as a valuable mechanical process for deconstructing territory; serving as a model for understanding space that does not rely on language, notation, and representation, but on our historical and instinctive relationship to land.
The sound of broadcasted by the structure is collected through a workshop program that engages participants with the imaginative conceptualisation of an Anthem for the location.
The project examines the association of sound with geopolitical and institutional entities, reinterpreting and appropriating oppressive sonic expressions through speculative history. This approach challenges the often fictional understanding of spatial boundaries, contributing to fluid definitions of nationhood and belonging; seeking to liberate sound from its status as a tool used by state structures for the segmentation and excessive exploitation of land, evidencing the impact of the Anthropocene on our environment.

Link to sound